"I noticed changes after 3 days! My pigmentation and spots are completely gone!”

Salma's incredible transformation with this one product!

Brightening Serum

Name: Salma
Skin Concerns: 
Acne & Breakouts
Favourite Products: 
Brightening Serum

Top Tip: "Find the right routine and products that work for you like BaseLift worked for me. Make a ritual out of a skincare routine until it becomes second nature" 

We will never get used to how many of you are out there using BaseLift around the world and will forever be grateful to you all for trusting us with your skin.

We had yet another ‘international chat’ with one of our regular and happy customers! Let me introduce you to Salma and her BaseLift experience which spreads across two different continents!

Salma is from Egypt and studies architecture in The Netherlands. She is an active, social and sporty young lady who also finds the time in her busy schedule to work as the educational commissioner for her university.

“Prior to using BaseLift products, I was having a bit of a weird year; grieving, travelling back and forth from a cold to a dry country for my studies, and weather conditions which all flared my stress acne. I even ended up using the wrong type of product which completely dried my skin and made it worse. I felt disgusting and kept telling myself, surely this is something I should be able to ‘clean off’. The more I stressed over the situation, the worse it got and I didn’t realise back then that acne is not only about topical hygiene!”

The situation got so bad that it started to affect Salma’s mental health and social activities. She stopped going to her university meetings and stopped taking pictures of herself. She didn’t try to ‘hide it’ behind layers of makeup as she didn't have the time to invest into long makeup sessions, and simply wasn’t comfortable with piling lots of makeup on.

“I almost got kicked out of my university position because of my lack of commitment when going through this bad skin phase, which is very unlike me. I felt discouraged and did not want to deal with it all. I grew up surrounded by empowering female athletes and could not believe how something so 'cosmetic’ and appearance-related could affect me so much. Fortunately, my best friend was going through something similar at that time and we supported and comforted each other in these difficult times. People around said things like ‘get over it, put some makeup on and it will eventually go’, without realising the negative impact your skin’s appearance can have on your mental health. Talking to a friend always helps! My best friend is also a huge BaseLift fan now!”

Salma, found out about BaseLift through her mom, who had always been a skincare advocate!

“I think it must be part of the Egyptian culture! As far as I can remember, my mom has always taken great care of her skin; by concocting homemade natural face masks and cleansers, or by trying products that suit her skin! She looks waaaaay younger than she actually is, and it always made me think, I should try this 'BaseLift' she uses all the time too!”

Salma recalls that picking up BaseLift parcels in Egypt was always an adventurous road trip with her mum.

“We had to drive all the way to customs, get interrogated about what exactly was in the parcels, and it always felt surreal! All of that to get hold of our precious BaseLift products!” she declares laughing.

Salma has consistently been using BaseLift products for 5 years now. She loves how hassle free the products are to use!

“I absolutely love the serum. The first time I used BaseLift products I noticed changes after 3 days only! I was shocked! My acne marks, brown pigmentations and spots are now completely gone!”

Salma concludes:

“Skin concerns can consume you! You will overthink them, try to ignore them, doing everything you can to make them go away! But what you need to realise is, the majority of them are temporary. Find the right routine and products that work for you, like BaseLift worked for me. Make a ritual out of a skincare routine until it becomes second nature. Take time for yourself, take care of yourself and most importantly, be consistent with your routine”

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