"You cannot imagine the relief when I started noticing actual results!"

Sarah's fluctuating skin concerns

Bentonite Oil-Eraser Clay
Skin Concerns : breakouts | dry skin

Name: Sarah
Skin Concerns: 
Dry Skin | Breakouts
Favourite Product: 
Bentonite Oil-Eraser Clay 

We had a short but sweet chat with full time student Sarah, who kindly accepted to tell us everything about her BaseLift experience. When she is not reading her favourite Charles Dickens novels, Sarah spends her time between university and her part-time job at the pharmacy.

“I have very dry skin which was never prone to acne. This all changed about a year ago when my cheek area just flared up with pimples! Before this episode the only product I used on my face ever was Vaseline. So, you can imagine how new and daunting all of this was to me!”

Sarah tried using different products, but she was mostly concerned with the acne marks. She confides that her appearance made her feel anxious, stressed and lose confidence in herself.

“I could not focus and work properly. Some comments from people worsen your state of mind and make you constantly worry about your face, your acne, your scarring. I tried to cover it all up with makeup, until I discovered BaseLift through my sister.”

It was completely by coincidence that she found out about BaseLift on her sister’s Snapchat! The Bentonite Oil-Eraser Clay was a product Sarah’s sister had already been actively using to regulate her oily skin.

“You cannot imagine the relief when I started noticing actual results! I felt like I had wasted my time with products that didn’t suit my skin, but it has now been a year and my skin has never been clearer or healthier thanks to BaseLift!”

Sarah consistently uses her Bentonite Oil-Eraser Clay and would advise people in similar situations to be patient, not be scared of trying a new skincare routine, and try BaseLift products!

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