"I am planning to ditch all the skincare products I own, to completely switch to BaseLift!"

Ummrana's journey to makeup-free confidence.

Bentonite Eraser Clay
Skin Concerns : redness | sensitive

Name: Ummrana
Skin Concerns:
Rosacea | Eczema | Sensitive Skin
Favourite Product: 
Bentonite Eraser Clay

We absolutely loved our very deep and compassionate chat with Ummrana. This happily married 44-year-old mum of five fearlessly talked to us about her insecurities, her mental health, her principles and her passion for social and community work.

Women like Ummrana are absolute examples of resilience and genuineness when it comes to taking a stance towards what they believe it. She was unfortunately made redundant recently which is terrifying during a global pandemic, but she is actively looking for a new job in the NHS.

“This year has not been the easiest one for me. I have been through a lot of traumatic experiences; the loss of my mum, my job, Covid-19. It has all been emotionally very challenging, but my family have been so supportive through this process. My children make me so proud, 2 of them are studying health: we have a pharmacist, a dental nurse and a future paramedic in the family. I like to think this is our very own way of giving back to the NHS.”

Despite having had a full-time job, 5 children and being a wife and a woman, Ummrana still finds the time to help the community and what she calls “giving voices to minorities”. She juggles between different community projects (@_thebameproject_), an Instagram henna (@henna.by.ummrana.and.huma) account she manages with one of her daughters.

Ummrana’s BAME community project which involves people of different cultures and backgrounds coming together to either have coffee, spread awareness about hate crime through different workshops, or benefit from free beauty treatments. This project has been maintained virtually on Zoom throughout lockdown and has helped everyone involved to share their various experiences, and just enjoy a chat with other people.

The very generous lady, who used to have regular facials and had always suffered from rosacea (a common skin condition that causes redness and visible blood vessels in your face) for over 20 years. Ummrana also suffers from eczema, which is a condition that causes inflamed, itchy, red, cracked, and rough patches of skin.

“I have always had sensitive skin and dry patches for as long as I can remember. I have tried other ‘branded products’ to sort those skin concerns out, and they do work but NOT LIKE BaseLift!” she exclaimed over the phone.

“My skin concerns have made me depressed, embarrassed, less social, and not confident. Since I started using BaseLift, it has perked me up and made me feel so much better! The products work so well! I now feel confident and I enjoy looking at myself in the mirror to see my glow!” she laughs.

Having combination skin, Ummrana went for the Bentonite Eraser Clay after one of her daughter’s friends told her about BaseLift.

“I checked the reviews, did my research in terms of skin concerns and finding out which product would suit me best. You would not believe me, but I have only been using it for a week and I noticed and felt the change in my skin instantly. It is now so soft; I am sometimes scared to touch it!”

Ummrana now enjoys pampering sessions with her daughters who also use the Bentonite Eraser Clay. She believes that having a good healthy ‘base’ will eventually lead to smooth makeup application, but also confidence to bare a face free of makeup. Tuesdays have now become BaseLift Tuesdays in her home, where Ummrana takes a break from the world, puts her mask on, and sits with a book for thirty minutes.

“I am planning to ditch all the skincare products I own to completely switch to BaseLift. For anyone who is struggling with skin concerns that are impacting their lives and mental health; be patient with yourself. Take all the time you need to heal; life goes on, but remember to take that break from the world to show some love to yourself. You need that me-time to be able to carry on.”

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